I’ve been asked to make a speech at my old drama school for
the newly enrolled students and I am terrified.
My immediate reaction is what do I
have to say to 75 slightly pissed students at the end of Fresher’s week?

I haven’t made a speech since I entered a debating competition
for my Year 9 English class. I discussed
the merits of co-ed education against single sex schools reading my cue cards and
shaking like a leaf. I, like many
actors, would rather perform to 1,000 people in a darkened auditorium than for
5 in my lounge. There is something safe
about hiding behind a character, a costume and somebody else’s words. I feel vulnerable and metaphorically naked having
to stand and orate alone, thank god I’ll never have to make a best man’s
I could lie on the psychologists couch and discuss why
actors are so insecure and more comfortable as characters than in their own
skin but that would make you all scroll down to the end! Bloody actors trying to understand themselves
again! It’s blindingly obvious that we
crave the applause as some kind of validation for our life choice and have a peculiar
childhood bond with the dressing-up box.
Freudian problems aside, I am rubbish at making
speeches. I talk at 100mph, gabbling
like a toddler on amphetamines, I physically shake and I will probably be
unable to see over whatever lectern or stand they give me, thus losing any
gravitas or authority. Should I open
with a joke about an actress and a bishop to endear myself or should I give a
parental lecture about the effects of alcohol and promiscuous sex? I could go for the tough love approach and start
with that classic line “99% of actors are out of work at one time,” which will
have them reaching for razor blades or maybe “if you are prepared to sell your
soul, morals and dignity you could be
![]() |
All together now...."I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." |
I could use the old trick and imagine my audience all naked
but I feel like that’s just a bit pervy or I could watch endless footage of
Martin Luther King or Hitler for tips on capturing a crowd. I could take some tips from politicians when
speech-making; use staccato arm gestures and big pauses between points. Or perhaps I could auto-tune my voice and
speak-sing it to a beat box track a la Clegg?
No, I want people to take me seriously.
Looks like I will have to rely on being myself. These students may have a greater photo
opportunity with Michael Ball or Beppe for their Facebook page but I hope I can
impart a bit of realism. I believe that
the majority of these students will work as actors but few will reach the dizzy
heights of stardom so to hear how I survive as a jobbing actress might be of
some value.
So I just need to take a deep breath and natter away like I
would to you guys, if not, I’ll down a bottle of plonk and then there’ll be 76 pissed
actors in the room!