I had lunch with one of my “normal” friends the other day,
you tknow those 9-5 people who have a 2 day weekend, have managed to achieve house
ownership and don’t count out their pennies for a box of teabags. One of the perks of “resting” at the moment is
that I have lots of free time to see these wonderful people who often disappear
from my life when I’m embroiled in an acting contract. We even got to meet on a Saturday afternoon,
when my body clock suggests I should be on a train heading to a vocal warm-up
but instead I was in my home town, having a normal life with normal friends and
having a right ol’ laff! Bliss.
It is not often I’m able to advise my friends on work-related
issues because our working worlds are so different – my knowledge of Anthony
Van Laast’s choreography for some reason doesn’t lend itself to the corporate
ladder. But on this occasion my friend
was having a tough time adjusting to being back home after a short contract
abroad. The phrases about her “new
colleagues soon becoming like family” and being in “her own little world” rang
very true and my actress-self recognised those feelings of dislocation when you
suddenly find yourself landed back into reality after a trip away.
When actors are doing a job, whether in town or on tour, you
do create a world for yourselves. Your
dressing-room buddies very swiftly become best-mates and the routine becomes your
reality. You become embroiled in the
day-to-day dramas and your outside world can get forgotten. This is even more the case when you are on
tour; being away from normality forces you to make a ‘new normal’ for yourself,
re-creating friends and family from your new cast mates. Everything is heightened, from emotions to
relationships, and you surround yourself with this new normal as a way of
dealing with being away from home. I wrote
a blog last year about relationships and affairs on tour inspired by intense circumstances
that can make them come about. http://daniellagibb.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/read-all-about-it-what-goes-on-tour.html
It doesn’t
affect everyone but it can so easily happen.
The phrases “what goes on tour stays on tour” and “the tour bubble” came
about because you really are in a bubble; a pretty, colourful membrane surrounding
your reality, floating around without responsibility or worries that once it’s
popped has gone forever.
A contract is a really special time, in part because of this
bubble and because it is a rest away from being a real actor i.e. unemployed
and anxiously waiting for something, anything.
Although my friend hasn’t come home to unemployment, her bubble has
burst and she is trying to re-assemble her old reality whilst missing that
protective bubble of care-free fun. It
is confusing, un-settling and makes you prone to rose-tinted glasses nostalgia. The same transition happens when it's the other way round. In acting your world can change in an instant - a friend this week got cast in a Bill Kenwright musical (cue groans of recognition from theatre folk) and within 3 days he had to start the new job. Commitments re-arranged, life packed up and thrust into a new existence.
It is weird when your bubble bursts – you land back into the
world you left and everyone else has been carrying on without you. They don’t fully comprehend those “you had to
be there” moments because the experience didn’t happen to them. Is it possible to fit back in? Well of course so, you may not be exactly the
same person you were when you left but no-one changes that much. There is a reason why people cannot live in bubbles
all of the time – just look at Glinda in Wicked!
An uber-talented West End leading man once said to me as I
bemoaned not being able to live in New York after coming back from an exhilarating
trip “but the reality is you couldn’t live in the shiny bit of Manhattan and
you’d end up on the outskirts still having to pay your water bill.” The fact that he was telling me whilst
dressed in the famous long coat and hat of Javert and I was the 23 year old
starry-eyed street urchin somehow made this life reality more poignant in our
make believe world. He had lived it and
done it and despite still wearing the hat and coat at night he was aware of the
joys of a real life during the day. He
knew that bubbles are transparent and that you can always see the outside world
from within them. I’ll never forget that
Remember how much you loved bubbles as a kid? How magic was it that they just appeared as
you shouted “again, again” to an adult slowing going purple from the constant
puffing! A life without bubbles is bland and boring and we need to enjoy those
colourful orbs when they choose to decorate our skies. Their ability to pop at any moment enhances
their beauty because we look forward to their return. If we had them all the time they would become
mundane and we’d be coughing up soapy water. 
Very insightful and amusing. Always a joy to read your blog. Prebb. xx
ReplyDeleteLovely and absorbing piece. I do enjoy your blogs!!!