Wednesday 6 April 2016

Just Do It!

I’m so glad that many of you were inspired by my last blog. Your lovely response made me think it might be worth charting my productivity plan journey with you – so here’s how it’s been going and you’re all welcome along on the ride.

February in the productivity plan asked me to “Nail What Really Matters” I did that through having some quiet time and journaling – I decided upon having a family, smiling, giving and receiving love and being healthy.  March was titled “Do Something!” No ambiguity there then. It’s all very well having the intention but I should get off my bum and do something about it.  We are awash with clichés; ‘less talking more action’ or ‘actions speak louder than words.’ Being surrounded by people who talk and don’t act is soul destroying because you cling onto the hope that their talk brings. Which leads me back to my life lessons of 2015 and onto March – smiley daffodils and lighter evenings energise us all - so I got “doing!”

Trying a new gym routine and saying yes to social invitations were a start and they felt like small victories. But a turning point was at a funeral of an old family friend; she had left us far too soon from cancer and the church was packed with people that admired and loved her. As the service progressed it became clear that she led a full and busy life, always giving out love and energy to benefit others. It was not for recognition or plaudits but merely to be involved and this felt like a massive metaphorical whack around the face. I’d been looking inwards to try to work through things and been in a career that involved me thinking mainly about myself.  I was thinking about me so much that my head was in danger in of protruding from my a*%e!

So here’s what I did in March –

I started planning a charity event to fundraise for the hospice where our friend spent her last few days and Cancer Research UK. Sadly, we have lost so many people to cancer this year – and it’s only April. So I thought we could have fun and raise as much money as possible for these causes.

It is a Grease 2 Singalong in the Guildford Fringe Festival – this festival is organised by a dear friend of mine who is constantly ‘do-ing’ and achieving and it is full of great events. Grease 2 is, in my opinion, an awesome movie that always brings me joy and there is a real cult following. I am hoping to entice some of those cult followers along to Guildford on July 31st with a costume contest, raffle, drinking and of course singing at the top of our voices. I am in full organisational mode (I even rang Paramount studios in LA!) and it’s going to be great. I hope that I can spread some joy and raise some serious cash to help Phyllis TuckwellHospice and Cancer Research UK.

If you fancy joining me, please book a ticket here and get planning your costume! You can also follow the event on Twitter @Sing_Grease2 all proceeds will go towards the charities.

I hope that you are having a productive and happy time – please let me know what you’re up to and as we head into April, with all her showers, let’s see where our action can take us!

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